Aside from the potential cosmetic problems, missing teeth can make basic oral functions difficult and can even lead to future alignment problems and dental damage. Even if you only have a single space in your smile, call Avanti Dentistry at (703) 952-0663 to schedule a visit with our dentists. Dr. Farshad Farhoumand and associates can repair your smile with a dental bridge in Tysons Corner, Virginia.

Dental Bridges

A bridge is a non-surgical way to replace one or many teeth. A bridge uses the adjacent teeth as anchors to support the missing tooth or teeth. With today’s dental advancements, a bridge can be fabricated in a fairly short period of time, using a metal or nonmetal foundation. Don’t let that missing tooth affect the way you speak, eat, and smile. Bridges yield immediate results that last a lifetime. Ask your dentist what type of bridge may be right for you.

If you are missing one or more teeth, we may recommend dental bridges as an option to restore the health, function and beauty of your smile. A dental bridge is a fixed (nonremovable) restoration that is attached with two custom-made dental crowns. This restoration is attached to your natural teeth or dental implants that are placed next to the site of the missing tooth, depending on your condition. The crowns will hold the artificial tooth in place and help ensure it stays secure over time.

Receiving a dental bridge usually takes two visits with our dentists. Dental bridges can improve your oral health and quality of life in many ways, including:

  • Restoring your ability to speak, eat, chew and smile with ease and confidence
  • Restoring the natural volume and shape of your face
  • Easing excess stress on your bite
  • Preventing your other teeth from shifting from their natural position
  • Giving you a full, healthy and more attractive smile that can improve your confidence

Before & After Results

We are dedicated to helping you both maintain and restore your oral health. We understand that a healthy and full smile can make all the difference in the world. To learn more about dental bridges, please contact us today!