The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a hinge-like joint at the junction where the lower jaw (mandible) connects with the skull directly in front of the ears. This sophisticated joint can move in almost every direction, which helps you perform several functions, including chewing, yawning, talking, and smiling.

TMJ disorder (TMD) is a range of disorders that affect the proper functioning of the jaw joints. TMJ pain can range from mild discomfort to severe pain that diminishes your ability to eat, sleep, and perform everyday activities. If you suspect TMJ pain, seek treatment to improve your quality of life.

How do I know I have TMJ pain?

When the TMJs are inflamed, stressed, or injured, you’ll likely experience numerous unpleasant symptoms.

Some include.

  • Pain or tenderness of the jaw
  • Chronic tension headaches
  • Difficulty or pain when chewing
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
  • Pain in the face, ears, and upper back
  • Joint immobilization, which causes challenges when opening and closing your jaws
  • An unusual clicking or popping sound when closing and opening your mouth

What are the causes of TMJ pain?

The most common cause of TMJ pain is chronic teeth grinding, known as bruxism. This habit strains the jaw joints and muscles, leading to discomfort and other symptoms over time.

Additional factors contributing to TMJ pain include stress, which can cause muscle tension, arthritis that affects the joint, and jaw injury. Each of these conditions can disrupt the delicate balance of the TMJs, resulting in pain and functional challenges.

Why is TMJ pain diagnosis important?

Ignoring TMJ pain can lead to increased pain and additional complications. Many doctors misdiagnose TMD cases as ear infections, sinus problems, or toothaches. This misdiagnosis often delays proper treatment, creating a cycle of persistent discomfort.

Over time, untreated TMJ disorders can result in chronic pain, restricted jaw movement, and even damage to the surrounding teeth and jaw joints. Early diagnosis and targeted treatment are crucial to breaking this cycle and restoring your comfort and quality of life.

How is TMJ disorder treated?

There’s no one-size-fits-all treatment for TMJ pain. However, our office uses a customized nightguard as the first line of treatment. Since TMJ pain can occur from excessive nighttime teeth grinding, a mouthguard can protect your jaw joints by preventing the upper and lower teeth from meeting. Over time, a custom-made oral splint helps your jaw joints relax, reducing TMJ pain symptoms.

The other treatment options for TMJ pain include.

  • Lifestyle changes, including stress management and eating soft foods
  • Jaw rehabilitation exercises
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Orthodontics to align your teeth and jaws
  • Botox treatment

Customized mouthguards manage your symptoms but don’t treat the root cause of the problem. Our dentist helps you identify the source of your problem to devise a long-lasting solution. Our objective is to ensure you live a painless life.

Is there TMJ pain treatment near me?

TMJ pain is treatable, helping you manage discomfort and lead a pain-free lifestyle. Do you need TMJ pain treatment in Tysons, Virginia? Call (703) 952-0663 and schedule an appointment with Avanti Dentistry.